Monday, April 6, 2009

Hey hey hey. The chicks are growing soooo fast. In just 4 days, they are already taller. I've had to raise their food and water bowls. Their feet are practically bigger than their bodies too. Today I got them a bigger brooder (45 gallon plastic storage bin from FM), but they don't need it yet. The Rhode Island Red (RIR) and the Golden Wyandotte (GW) both have wing feathers coming in. The GW also has some very small tail feathers (mixed with fluff- looks like uncombed hair). The neighbors kids came over yesterday and we let the chicks walk on the kitchen table. The started jumping up into some potted plants. They are CURIOUS! Yesterday and today, I put them in a mixing bowl and took them outside. They chirped and ate their food and seemed so happy. Today they tried to jump out of the mixing bowl. Uh oh. If all three jump, I can't control them. They could break a leg or something. I'll have to find a deeper bowl or box or something. Meanwhile, the dogs are still respectful. Bailey just sniffs them; Ernie turns his head a way and/or tries to crawl in my lap. He's the biggest baby in the world.

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