Monday, June 15, 2009


Here's the nails I've been usiing- someone found them in a box of Roseburg Dave's tools. They suck! Anytime I try to pound one of the long ones into particulary hard wood, it bends. Just too old and pathetic, I guess.

For your viewing pleasure. Good and bad nails. Aren't I learning important stuff??? I am :-). The right tools for the job. Soon my "book smart" brain will be able to handle real-life stuff :-D.

Brand new nails that really work well. Yay!
I learned something!

Chicken pen music

This has nothing to do with music, but...I have to cut holes in the hardware cloth so the plum tree will grow up straight and tall. We want to have plums this year; we got almost nothing last year.

What would you listen to if you were building a chicken coop????